Can you buy dentures without going to a dentist?

Yes! Denture Rescue’s dentist directed dentures and partials are available without physically going to a dentist. Instead a licensed dentist reviews and directs your case using an easy to use at home impression kit.

  1. Denture Rescue’s Custom Fit: Dentures need to be custom-made to fit your mouth correctly. This ensures they are comfortable, stable, and functional. Attempting to create dentures without a dentist’s expertise can result in an improper fit, which can lead to discomfort, difficulty eating and speaking, and potential oral health issues.
  2. Denture Rescue’s Quality and Materials: Dentures created by a dentist are made from high-quality materials that are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Over-the-counter or DIY options may not provide the same level of quality.
  3. Ongoing Care: Dentures require regular maintenance, adjustments, and replacements over time. Denture Rescue can provide these services to ensure your dentures remain in good condition and continue to meet your needs.

Denture Rescue can assess your individual situation, recommend the appropriate type of dentures (full, partial, or implant-supported dentures), and guide you through the process from start to finish, including taking impressions, creating the dentures, and ensuring they fit properly. This professional guidance is essential for achieving the best oral health outcomes and ensuring that your dentures are both functional and comfortable.

Purchase full dentures online.

Purchase partial dentures online.

Learn more here from our partners.