Today let’s discuss if you have to go without teeth while waiting for dentures.

ऊपरी आंशिक डेन्चर

Let’s dive right in. No, you don’t necessarily have to go without teeth while waiting for dentures. There are a few options to consider:

  1. तत्काल डेन्चर: These are dentures that are placed immediately after your teeth are extracted. They serve as a temporary set of teeth while your gums heal and before your permanent dentures are ready. Read More.
  2. Temporary Dentures: Similar to immediate dentures, these are designed to be worn for a short period while your permanent dentures are being made. Read More.
  3. Partial Dentures or Flippers: If you are only missing a few teeth, a partial denture or a flipper (a removable partial denture) can be used to fill in the gaps.
  4. Essix Retainers with Teeth: These are clear retainers with false teeth embedded in them, which can be used temporarily.

It’s important to discuss with your dentist to determine the best option for your situation. They can provide guidance based on the condition of your mouth, the number of teeth being replaced, and your overall dental health.
